Activities > Industrial heritage and public works View all CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR WATER WHEELS FOR THE ROYAL COINAGE AT SEGOVIA Industrial heritage The Royal Coinage at Segovia, a splendid work of civil engineering, was Spain’s most important mint. Authored by Juan de Herrera under a commission signed by Felipe II, it is regarded as one of the country’s oldest exponents of industrial architecture still standing. On 8 May 2009, a partnering agreement was signed with the Municipal Government of Segovia to rebuild the water wheels that drove the coin-making devices. The first wheel, built as a prototype for the ones to be subsequently installed at the Royal Coinage (under rehabilitation at the time), was exhibited from 23 November to 20 December 2009 in the courtyard of the Casa de Andrés Laguna, likewise in Segovia. Upon conclusion of the rehabilitation works two years later, the wheel was installed and commissioned. It was subsequently joined by the other two to complete the suite of three donated by Fundación Juanelo Turriano to the Royal Mint Museum. All three were built by Segovian craftsman Miguel Ángel Moreno under the scientific supervision of Jorge Soler and José María Izaga, specialists in the history of industrial technology and Segovia’s Royal Coinage. A commemorative plaque was installed on the coinage on 5 October 2012 in commemoration of Fundación Juanelo Turriano's donation of the three wheels. The plaque is dedicated to engineer Ignacio González Tascón (1947-2006), who spent his entire career studying the history of technology both from his chair at the University of Granada and the foundation. A third partnering agreement was signed with the Municipal Government of Segovia on 28 June 2013 whereby Fundación Juanelo Turriano will finance the manufacture of a roller press for the Royal Mint Museum. This new device, designed by Jorge Soler and José María Izaga, is scheduled for installation in late 2014. On 21 October 2014, Victoriano Muñoz Cava, president of Fundación Juanelo Turriano and Clara Luquero, Mayor of Segovia, unveiled the new roller press at the city’s Royal Mint Museum. This device was instrumental to minting the coins produced at the facility founded by King Philip II in the sixteenth century. Like the waterwheels that drive the drop hammer and bellows in the smith’s shop, this roller press was built thanks to an agreement between Fundación Juanelo Turriano and the city of Segovia. Image slideshow