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062 July 2014


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Summer course draws to an end

The summer course entitled Architect Engineers, organised by the Fundación Juanelo Turriano and the Madrid School of Architecture, came to a close on 18 July.

Held under the leadership of Pedro Navascués Palacio, the course was attended by 23 students.

The full programme is available here.

Literal translation of major waterworks. Donation
Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo, member of the Fundación Juanelo Turriano Trust, has donated the manuscript of the 3rd and 4th volumes of the second part of Belidor’s oeuvre entitled Traducción literal de las principales obras hidráulicas de Mr. Belidor (literal translation of Mr Belidor’s major waterworks), dated at Cartagena de Indias in 1794-1795.

Bibliographic data sheet
Trees for a city. Book review
In its twentieth issue, Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo (on-line journal published by the Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII) carries a review by its co-editor-in-chief Fernando Durán López of Daniel Crespo Delgado’s book entitled Árboles para una capital. Árboles en el Madrid de la Ilustración (trees for a city: trees in enlightenment Madrid) published by Fundación Juanelo Turriano and Doce Calles in 2012. 

Other current events

12th SEHCYT Congress. Book of abstracts
12th SEHCYT Congress. Book of abstracts
The PDF version of the book of abstracts is now available for the 12th Congress organised by the Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y las Técnicas (SEHCYT, Spanish society on the history of science and technology), entitled Science and technology between war and peace, to be held at the Complutense University of Madrid on 10-12 September 2014.

Download PDF
Galician architecture. New publication
Galician architecture. New publication
Architect and scholar José Ramón Soraluce Blond has published a new book entitledArquitectura restaurada de Galicia. Orígenes (Galicia’s restored architecture, origins), in which he describes the restoration of Galician monuments in the pre- and post-Civil War periods and since 1978.

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