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063 September 2014


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Fundación Juanelo Turriano Digital Library. Additions to the collection
Fundación Juanelo Turriano has added a further six publications to its digital library, all available on line:

Principio de la relatividad: sus fundamentos experimentales y filosóficos y su evolución histórica. [Principle of relativity: experimental and philosophical grounds and evolution over time]. Blas Cabrera

Resumen de las obras que ha ejecutado la Real Compañía de navegación del Guadalquivir, y de las que tenía pendientes a principio del año de 1820, y no pudo seguir por resultas de las providencias del sistema constitucional y que trata ahora de llevar a efecto [Summary of the works undertaken on the River Guadalquivir by the Royal Company of Navigation and works discontinued as a result of constitutional system resolutions, outstanding in early 1820, which it now attempts to resume]

El arco funicular: ensayos sobre un nuevo sistema de puente [The catenary arch: testing a new system for bridges]. Fernando Gallego Herrera

Discurso leído en el acto de su recepción por el Excmo. Sr. D. Eduardo Torroja y Miret y contestación del Excmo. Sr. D. Alfonso Peña Boeuf el día 29 de noviembre de 1944 [Address delivered at the admissions ceremony by H.E. Eduardo Torroja Miret and reply by H.E. Alfonso Peña Boeuf, 29 November 1944]

Excelentísimo Sr. D. José Echegaray y Eizaguirre. Presidente de la Academia de 1901 a 1916: Solemne sesión celebrada para honrar su memoria, al cumplirse, en 1932, el primer centenario de su nacimiento [H.E. José Echegaray y Eizaguirre. President of the Academy from 1901 to 1916: solemn session held in his honour in 1932 on the occasion of the centenary of his birth]

De hace treinta años: crónicas filipino-ingenieriles de un ex-prisionero [Thirty years ago: an ex-prisoner’s chronicles on Philippine engineering]. Pedro Montaner 
Nuevo Miliario. Monographic issue
Nuevo Miliario, a bulletin on the history of Roman and other roads and other topics of historical-geographic interest has published a monographic issue entitled Itinera hispana: estudio de las vías romanas en Hispania a partir del itinerario de Antonino, el Anónimo de Ravena y los Vasos de Vicarello [Roman roads in Hispania based on the Antonine Itinerary, the Ravenna Cosmography and the Vicarello goblets], which is an update, 40 years on, of José Manuel Roldán’s Itineraria Hispana.

Bibliographic data sheet

Other current events

Demetrio Ribes Prize For Research. Eleventh edition
Demetrio Ribes Prize For Research. Eleventh edition
The Demetrio Ribes Chair (sponsored by the University of Valencia-Regional Department of Infrastructure, Land Management and the Environment, UVEG-CITMA) announces the eleventh edition of its yearly Demetrio Ribes Prize for Research. The prize aims to further, promote and propagate the history of transport and public works in the Valencian Community, support young researcher training and encourage research commitment to Valencia’s history and heritage.
The prize is worth 6 000 euros.

Original manuscripts may be submitted through Monday 23 March 2015.

La utopía de unir [utopian unification]. Conference series
La utopía de unir [utopian unification]. Conference series
César Lanza is coordinating a conference series entitled La utopía de unir: humanidades e ingeniería en la España reciente [utopian unification: humanities and engineering in contemporary Spain] to be held at Madrid’s Residencia de Estudiantes in September, October and November. The programme is outlined below.

25 September, 7:30 PM: Al lado de un puente (el Museo Arte Público de Madrid - Escultura en el Paseo de la Castellana) [Alongside a bridge (Madrid’s Public Art Museum - sculpture on the Paseo de la Castellana)]. Conference and colloquium by Julio Martínez Calzón, civil engineer.

16 October, 7:30 PM: Cien puentes o la necesidad de caminos transversales [One hundred bridges or the need for transverse roads] by Eva Lootz, plastic artist.

20 November, 7:30 PM: El nexo cultural en ingeniería. Recordando con ganas a José Antonio Fernández Ordóñez [The cultural connection in engineering: enthusiastic remembrance of José Antonio Fernández Ordóñez]. Speakers: Antonio López, painter; Jerónimo Junquera, architect; and José Ramón Navarro, civil engineer.

The conferences are free and open to the public with seating allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Twelfth SEHCYT (Spanish society of the history of science and technology) Congress. Exhibitions
Twelfth SEHCYT (Spanish society of the history of science and technology) Congress. Exhibitions
The opening session of the Spanish Society of the History of Science and Technology’s (SEHCYT) Twelfth Congress last Wednesday 10 September inspired three exhibitions organised by Amigos de la Cultura Científica and the island of Lanzarote’s Academy of Science and Engineering. All three are open to the public: Leonardo Torres Quevedo, dirigiblesÁngel del Campo, eminent Spanish chemist and Biographic timeline of Enrique Moles Ormella. A fourth exhibition, organised by the Manuel Bartolomé Cossío Museum of Education and entitled Progress in Contemporary Pedagogy can also be visited.
Ninth National and First International Spanish-American Congress on the History of Construction
Ninth National and First International Spanish-American Congress on the History of Construction
The Spanish Society of the History of Construction announces the Ninth National and First International Spanish-American Congress on the History of Construction, to be held in Segovia on 13-17 October 2015.

2014 edition of the prizes awarded by the Madrid Chapter of the Chartered Association of Civil Engineers
2014 edition of the prizes awarded by the Madrid Chapter of the Chartered Association of Civil Engineers
The 2014 edition of the prizes awarded by the Madrid Chapter of the Chartered Association of Civil Engineers cover the following categories:
Best public works project; Best municipal public works project; Best public works project abroad; Social responsibility and sustainability; Journalism; Young civil engineer, Outstanding civil engineer.
The deadline for submitting candidacies is 15 September.

Opening of the Castile and Leon Flour Industry Museum (MIHACALE)
Opening of the Castile and Leon Flour Industry Museum (MIHACALE)
The Castile and Leon Flour Industry Museum (MIHACALE) opened at Gordoncillo, Leon, Spain on 9 August last.
The “Marina Luz” flour mill has been converted into an industrial museum and enlarged to house around twenty mill-related machines. The intention is to expand this collection in future and create a database containing pertinent written and oral documents with a view to making this centre a benchmark for researching, restoring and conserving the industrial flour milling heritage and associated elements. 

More information

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