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090 November 2015


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Books, roads and days: the engineer’s voyage. Course adjournment

The university outreach course entitled Books, roads and days: the engineer’s voyage, organised by Spain’s National Distance University and Fundación Juanelo Turriano, was adjourned on 22 November.

Headed by Alicia Cámara Muñoz and Bernardo Revuelta Pol, the course was attended by 30 students.

The course curriculum was supplemented by a guided tour of the Royal Glass Factory at La Granja, in the Spanish province of Segovia.

Fundación Juanelo Turriano will publish digital versions of the lessons.

Other current events

El ingeniero Lucio del Valle en el distrito de Valencia [Engineer Lucio del Valle in Valencia District]. Book presentation
El ingeniero Lucio del Valle en el distrito de Valencia [Engineer Lucio del Valle in Valencia District]. Book presentation

Inmaculada Aguilar will present her book entitled El ingeniero Lucio del Valle en el distrito de Valencia: el manuscrito inédito de su correspondencia 1842-1846. Una aportación de la historia de la ingeniería [Engineer Lucio del Valle in Valencia District: unpublished manuscripts of his correspondence 1842-1846, a contribution of the history of engineering] at the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers on 9 December.

Inmaculada Aguilar is a member of the Fundación Juanelo Turriano Advisory Commission.

She will be seconded during the event by Miguel Ángel Carrillo, Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo, Pedro Navascués and César Díaz Aguado.

Madrid School of Civil Engineering: new PhD. thesis
 Madrid School of Civil Engineering: new PhD. thesis
Madrid’s School of Civil Engineering was the venue chosen by Eduardo Díaz-Pavón Cuaresma to defend his PhD. thesis entitled Investigación sobre las causas que pudieron originar el hundimiento de la cubierta del tercer depósito del Canal de Isabel II en 1905 [Investigation into the possible causes of the collapse of the roof over the Canal de Isabel II’s third water deposit in 1905]. Supervised by Javier León González and Jorge Ley Urzaiz, the thesis was presented on 23 November last.
ICOHTEC Prize. 2015
ICOHTEC Prize. 2015
The 2015 edition of the ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars, sponsored by Fundación Juanelo Turriano, was awarded to Karena Kalmbach for her thesis entitled Meanings of a Disaster: The Contested 'Truth' about Chernobyl. British and French Chernobyl Debates and the Transnationality of Arguments and Actors. The awards ceremony was held on the occasion of the 42nd ICOHTEC Symposium (Tel Aviv, 2015). Ms Kalmbach had defended her thesis in September 2014 at the European University Institute at Florence. 

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