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091 December 2015


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Royal Mint Museum, Segovia. New waterwheel
The Royal Mint Museum at Segovia has now been fitted with a fourth waterwheel for its roller press. With this element, funded by Fundación Juanelo Turriano under a partnering agreement with the City of Segovia, the electric motor that had been powering the works will no longer be required, for all the force needed to move the press will be drawn from the River Eresma.

Image slideshow
ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars 2016. Call for submissions

Submissions are now being accepted for the ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars 2016. The paper selected, which will be awarded the 2 500-euro prize funded by Fundación Juanelo Turriano, will be presented at the forthcoming ICOHTEC symposium to be held at Oporto on 26-30 July 2016.

The deadline for submitting papers is 15 February 2016.

See terms

Other current events

Lucio del Valle en el distrito de Valencia [Lucio del Valle in Valencia District]. Book presentation
Lucio del Valle en el distrito de Valencia [Lucio del Valle in Valencia District]. Book presentation

Inmaculada Aguilar presented her book entitled El ingeniero Lucio del Valle en el distrito de Valencia: el manuscrito inédito de su correspondencia 1846-. Una aportación de la historia de la ingeniería [Engineer Lucio del Valle in Valencia District: unpublished manuscripts of his correspondence 1842-1846, a contribution of the history of engineering] at the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers on 9 December.

Inmaculada Aguilar is the Demetrio Ribes Chair at the University of Valencia and sits on the Fundación Juanelo Turriano Advisory Commission.

She was seconded during the event by Miguel Ángel Carrillo, Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo, Pedro Navascués and César Díaz Aguado.

7th International Conference on Industrial Heritage. Call for abstracts
7th International Conference on Industrial Heritage. Call for abstracts

Abstracts will be accepted for the 7th International Conference on Industrial Heritage to be held at Rijeka, Croatia on 19-21 May 2016 until the 1 February 2016 deadline.

The core theme of this edition, Torpedo History and Heritage, commemorates the 150th anniversary of the invention of the Luppis-Whitehead torpedo in the world’s first torpedo factory at Rijeka.

Programme and information

Los efectos del seísmo de Lisboa de 1755, sobre el patrimonio monumental de Galicia [The effects of the Lisbon 1755 earthquake on the monumental heritage of Galicia]. PhD. thesis
Los efectos del seísmo de Lisboa de 1755, sobre el patrimonio monumental de Galicia [The effects of the Lisbon 1755 earthquake on the monumental heritage of Galicia]. PhD. thesis
On 14 December, architect and MSc. in rehabilitation Begoña Ces Fernández will defend her PhD. thesis entitled Los efectos del seísmo de Lisboa de 1755, sobre el patrimonio monumental de Galicia [The effects of the Lisbon 1755 earthquake on the monumental heritage of Galicia] at the A Corunna School of Architecture.
The thesis was supervised by the school’s full professor of Art History, Dr Ramon Yzquierdo Perrín.

En el IV Centenario de la segunda parte de El Quijote. La ciencia en la época de Cervantes [On the occasion of the 4th Centenary of Don Quixote, Part II, science in Cervantes’s age]. A lecture
En el IV Centenario de la segunda parte de El Quijote. La ciencia en la época de Cervantes [On the occasion of the 4th Centenary of Don Quixote, Part II, science in Cervantes’s age]. A lecture
Francisco González Redondo will deliver a lecture entitled En el IV Centenario de la segunda parte de El Quijote. La ciencia en la época de Cervantes [On the occasion of the 4th centenary of Don Quixote, Part II, science in Cervantes’s age] at 8:00 PM on 15 December at the Centro Asturiano de Madrid.

If you are not interested in receiving further news from the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, please tell us by sending an e-mail to: