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101 May 2016


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Draughtsman Engineers Serving the Spanish Monarchy in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. New publication

A new volume of the series Juanelo Turriano Lectures on the History of Engineering has now been released. Draughtsman Engineers Serving the Spanish Monarchy in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries contains the findings of R&D+I project HAR2012-31117 (DIMH), funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness and implemented under the leadership of Alicia Cámara Muñoz, Head of the National Distance University’s (UNED) Art History Department.

Key aspects of engineers’ drawings, applied by the court to a number of purposes throughout the three centuries, are addressed in each chapter. These illustrations and their authors were used by the crown to glean information on, control and transform cities and territories. 

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Tribute to Jorge Soler Valencia at the Royal Mint Museum, Segovia

A ceremony in honour of Jorge Soler Valencia, recently deceased, was held at the Royal Mint Museum, Segovia, on 30 April last.

The museum’s machine hall will now bear his name in acknowledgement of his contribution to the recovery of the Royal Mint waterworks and apparatus, as well as Segovia’s heritage.

Mayor Clara Luquero unveiled the commemorative plaque.

Other current events

Tenth International Congress on Molinology
Tenth International Congress on Molinology
The Tenth International Congress on Molinology will be held on 20-22 May at Segovia. This edition of the congress organised by the Asociación para la Conservación y Estudio de los Molinos [ACEM, association for the conservation and study of mills] will revolve around the following subject areas: history, heritage, ethnography and folklore; restoration, protection, landscapes, tourism and usage; and technology and engineering.

Industrial heritage and electrical landscapes. Workshop
Industrial heritage and electrical landscapes. Workshop

INCUNA (Industry, Culture, Nature), Spain’s industrial archaeological association, is organising a workshop on industrial heritage and electrical landscapes to be held at Somiedo, Asturias, on 19-22 May.

The workshop will cover topics such as the natural heritage: nomadic livestock owners, herds and seasonal shelters; vernacular architecture; heritage, sustainability and landscape; tourism and sustainability; and industrial energy: the heritage. 


Construction History Society. Third Annual Conference
Construction History Society. Third Annual Conference

The Construction History Society, CHS, held its Third Annual Conference at Cambridge on 8-10 April.

During a session on Medieval Walls, Juanelo Turriano doctoral grant awardee Alicia Sainz Esteban (2014-2015) delivered a lecture on The walls in Comunidades de Villa y Tierra, Segovia

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