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108 July 2016


C/ Zurbano 41 (28010 Madrid) · Tel.: 91 531 30 05 – Fax: 91 531 30 05 · ·


Ars Mechanicae. Travelling exhibition at MIHACALE

The travelling exhibition entitled Ars Mechanicae. Ingeniería medieval (Ars Mechanicae. Medieval engineering), co-produced by the Spanish Centre for Public Works Studies and Experimentation-Centre for Historic Studies on Public Works and Urban Planning (CEDEX-CEHOPU) and Fundación Juanelo Turriano, opened on 22 July at the Castile-Leon Flour Industry Museum in Gordoncillo, a town in the Spanish province of Leon.

The exhibition aims to provide an overview of Medieval technology in use in the kingdoms established on the Iberian Peninsula, focusing on public works, be they roads and bridges, irrigation and water supply, ports and lighthouses or castles and fortresses.

The exhibition will be open to the public through 18 January 2017.


Adjournment of summer course Los puentes de piedra (o ladrillo) [Stone (or brick) bridges]

The summer course organised by Fundación Juanelo Turriano and the Madrid School of Civil Engineers entitled Los puentes de piedra (o ladrillo): antaño y hogaño [Stone (or brick) bridges: yesterday and today] was adjourned on 15 July.

A total of 41 students attended the course, delivered under the leadership of Francisco Javier León (Technical University of Madrid, UPM) and José María Goicolea Ruigómez (UPM and Fundación Juanelo Turriano) and coordinated by foundation director Bernardo Revuelta Pol.

Download programme (In Spanish)

Mirar el paisaje moderno. Paisaje, ingeniería e industria en los viajes por España (siglos XVI-XIX). New publication

Daniel Crespo Delgado, Fundación Juanelo Turriano researcher, in conjunction with Alfonso Luján, has just published the book entitled Mirar el paisaje moderno. Paisaje, ingeniería e industria en los viajes por España (siglos XVI-XIX) [Viewing the modern landscape: landscape, engineering and industry in journeys across Spain (sixteenth to nineteenth centuries)] (Polifemo). In it the authors address the role of civil engineering in the definition of Spain’s image in the Modern Age.

La Historia del arte de la pintura en  España [The history of painting in Spain] by Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez (KRK Ediciones) has also been recently released.


Other current events

43rd ICOHTEC Congress. Technology, Innovation and Sustainability : historical and contemporary narratives
43rd ICOHTEC Congress. Technology, Innovation and Sustainability : historical and contemporary narratives

The International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) will hold its 43rd congress at Oporto on 26 to 30 July around the theme Technology, Innovation and Sustainability: historical and contemporary narratives.

Prior to the congress, on 23 to 25 July, the ICOHTEC/CIUHCT  will deliver its summer school programme: three days of intensive seminars for doctoral students and recent PhD. awardees.

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