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134 December 2017


C/ Zurbano 41 (28010 Madrid) · Tel.: 91 531 30 05 – Fax: 91 531 30 05 · ·


Fundación Juanelo Turriano wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy 2018
Fundación Juanelo Turriano wishes you a merry Christmas and happy 2018 and takes this opportunity to thank the 827.737 visitors to our website and the 50.270 readers who used our library.
Fundación Juanelo Turriano. 30th anniversary

Fundación Juanelo Turriano celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2017. We wish to thank our trustees, advisers, collaborators and staff for the effort that made it possible to:

publish 55 books (15 in both hard copy and digital format)

deliver 12 summer and six university outreach courses

organise eight exhibitions, travelling to 29 venues

award the García-Diego International Prize, with 10 first prizes and five runners-up in its nine editions, as well as 16 doctoral grants and 10 ICOHTEC prizes

recover significant elements of our industrial heritage such as the waterwheels at Segovia’s Royal Mint Museum, the Peral submarine and a number of historic mock-ups

catalogue and make over 6000 works on the history of science and engineering available to the public, cost-free

collaborate with Spanish national and Distance University television in the production of documentary films and exhibitions on Juanelo Turriano's artifice

support a number of congresses, including the International Congress on Molinology, the ICOHTEC Annual Meeting and the Congress of the Asociación de Caminería Hispánica [Spanish association for roadway studies], among others

sponsor the journal Nuevo Miliario, Asociación para la Conservación y Estudio de los Molinos [Association for the Conservation and Study of Mills] and the Juanelo Turriano Secondary School year-end prizes

collaborate and partner with public and private institutions, whose participation and support in the dissemination of the study of the history of science and engineering is gratefully acknowledged.

Fundación Juanelo Turriano Library. Recent acquisitions

Fundación Juanelo Turriano has recently acquired the following works for its Library:

Fábrica de vagones de Beasain (Guipuzcoa) España. Descripción de la fábrica y catálogo general [Wagon car factory at Beasain, Guipuzcoa, Spain: description and general catalogue] (In Spanish)

Fluencias de la tierra y curso subterráneo de las aguas. Dedicado a María Santíssima, Señora nuestra, en tu Imagen de Bethleen, huida a Egypto[Land settling and underground water courses: dedicated to Holy Mary, our Lady, in her image at Bethlehem, flight to Egypt] (In Spanish)

Examen maritimo theórico práctico, ó tratado de mechanica aplicado á la construcción, conocimiento y manejo de los navíos y demás embarcaciones [Review of maritime theory and practice or treatise on mechanics applied to the construction, understanding and handling of vessels and other craft] (In Spanish)

Manifiesto sobre la construcción de las dos azequias, ó canales proyectados para la navegación, y riego de las tierras de la Ciudad de Tortosa, por una, y otra parte del Río Ebro, desde su azud, ó presa, hasta el mar [Memorandum on the construction of the two canals designed for navigation and to irrigate the land on one and the other bank of the River Ebro from Ciudad de Tortosa dam to the sea] (In Spanish)

Disertación sobre la historia de la náutica, y de las ciencias matemáticas que han contribuido á sus progresos entre los españoles [Dissertation on the history of navigation and the mathematical science contributing to its progress among Spaniards] (In Spanish)

Aranjuez y el territorio al sur de Madrid [Aranjuez and territories south of Madrid] (In Spanish)

Definiciones y elementos de todas las ciencias [Definitions and elements for all the sciences] (In Spanish)

Historia de la aeronáutica española [History of Spanish aviation] (In Spanish)

Instrucción para el gobierno de la Cequia Imperial, su administración y gastos, dado por Don Jorge Gaspar Pérez de Olivan [Instructions on management of the imperial canal, its administration and expenses, issued by Jorge Gaspar Pérez de Olivan] (In Spanish)

El Cemento Portland Artificial: sus propiedades y aplicaciones [Artificial portland cement: properties and applications]. Ignacio Vizcaíno y Cucarella (In Spanish)

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