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210 December 2022


C/ Zurbano 41 (28010 Madrid) · Tel.: 91 531 30 05 – Fax: 91 531 30 05 · ·


Ars Mechanicae. Medieval Engineering in Spain. Exhibition

Ars Mechanicae, Medieval Engineering in Spain, a travelling exhibition jointly curated by Fundación Juanelo Turriano and CEDEX-CEHOPU (Centre for Public Works Studies and Experimentation-Centre for Historic Studies on Public Works and Urban Planning), opened on 2 December at the Comunidad de Regantes de Vila-Real’s (local association of irrigators) exhibition hall.

The showing, which seeks to provide an overview of the technology used in Medieval Iberian kingdoms, focuses in particular on public works, including roads and bridges, irrigation and water supply systems, ports and lighthouses.

It will be open to the public through 10 February 2023.


Read online catalogue (In Spanish)
In honour of Pedro Navascués Palacio

A ceremony to honour the memory of Pedro Navascués Palacio was held at the Madrid School of Architecture on 1 December last.

Pedro Navascués presided our foundation from 2020 until the day of his decease.

José Eugenio Ribera. Travelogue, an engineer’s perspective

Issue 49 of the journal TST – Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones – carried an article by Inmaculada Aguilar Civera titled José Eugenio Ribera. Travelogue, an engineer’s perspective.

Inmaculada Aguilar is a foundation trustee.

About the journal (In Spanish)

Read article (In Spanish)

Turriano-ICOHTEC Prize

The Turriano-ICOHTEC Prize for young historians, organised by ICOHTEC and sponsored by Fundación Juanelo Turriano, was awarded jointly to the following two authors:

Waqar L. Zaidi for his study titled: Technological Internationalism and World Order. Aviation, Atomic Energy, and the Search for International Peace, 1920–1950.

Sébastien Pautet for his dissertation Le défi chinois des Lumiéres. Savoirs techniques et économie politique en France au temps des circulations sino-européennes (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles).

The jury also awarded an honourable mention to Duygu Yildirim for her dissertation: The Age of the Perplexed: Translating nature and bodies between the Ottoman Empire and Europe, 1650-1730.

Other current events

Cuadernos dieciochistas, journal
Cuadernos dieciochistas, journal

The Sociedad de Estudios del siglo XVIII’s journal Cuadernos dieciochistas devoted its issue 25 to eighteenth century civil engineering.

The issue was edited by Daniel Crespo Delgado, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and Fundación Juanelo Turriano researcher.

As co-author with Alfonso Luján, Daniel Crespo also signed an article for this issue titled Las obras públicas en la prensa española de la Ilustración.

Read article  (In Spanish)

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